Welcome to the Phytoplasma Resource Center

Dr. Wei Wei, Research Plant Pathologist, wei.wei@usda.gov
United States Department of Agriculture Building 004, BARC-West
10300 Baltimore Ave. Beltsville, MD. 20705
Should you find these data useful and wish to reference it,
please acknowledge the Phytoplasma Resource Center
and W. Wei and J. Shao. Please contact Dr. Wei Wei, (wei.wei@usda.gov),
if you have any questions or concerns.
If possible, please send us both the literature citation once published and a reprint or PDF file of the publication.
Please retain photo credits on pictures used from this site.
Thanks to Wei Wei, Yan Zhao, Stefano Costanzo, Kristi Bottner-Parker, Jonathan Shao, Robert E. Davis, Ing-Ming Lee.
Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD