What Are Phtyoplasmas

Phytoplasma Resource Center

Phytoplasma Disease Symptoms Glossary

Phyllody - development of leaf-like growths in place of normal flower parts (image 1) (image 2)

Virescence - development of green color in place of normal flower colors (image 1)

Witches broom - abnormal, excessive proliferation of axillary shoots resulting in a broom-like growths (image 1)

Yellowing - leaves lose normal green color, becoming yellows (image 1)

Little leaf - development of abnormally small leaves (image 1)

Proliferation - abnormal growth of numerous stems (shoots) (image 1)

Necrosis - death of cells and/or tissue

Dieback - generally refers to death of branches on woody plants, shrubs, trees; typically, young shoots, twigs, and distal portions of branches die progressively toward older plant part

Stunting - overall reduction of plant height due to shortening of internode

Bunchy top - shortening of internodes at and near the tip of a branch, resulting in bunched growth at the end of the branch